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Abba - The winner takes it all

août 3, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 16 minutes

I don't wanna01-cmaj.jpg talk About the things we've gone01-gmaj.jpg through Though it's hurting06-dmin.jpg me Now it's histo01-gmaj.jpgry I've played all my 01-cmaj.jpgcards And that's what you've 01-gmaj.jpgdone too Nothing more to 06-dmin.jpgsay No more ace to 01-gmaj.jpgplay

The winner takes it 01-cmaj.jpgall 03-e7.jpgThe loser standing06-amin.jpg small 03-a7.jpgBeside the victo06-dmin.jpgry That's her des01-gmaj.jpgtiny

I was in your01-cmaj.jpg arms Thinking I be01-gmaj.jpglonged there I figured it made 06-dmin.jpgsense Building me a01-gmaj.jpg fence Building me a01-cmaj.jpg home Thinking I'd be01-gmaj.jpg strong there But I was a06-dmin.jpg fool Playing by the 01-gmaj.jpgrules

The gods may throw01-cmaj.jpg a dice 03-e7.jpgTheir minds as cold as06-amin.jpg ice 03-a7.jpgAnd someone way 06-dmin.jpgdown here Loses someone01-gmaj.jpg dear . The winner takes it 01-cmaj.jpgall 03-e7.jpgThe loser has 06-amin.jpgto fall03-a7.jpg It's simple and it's06-dmin.jpg plain Why should I com01-gmaj.jpgplain.

But tell me does she01-cmaj.jpg kiss Like I used to01-gmaj.jpg kiss you ? Does it feel the 06-dmin.jpgsame When she calls your 01-gmaj.jpgname ? Somewhere deep01-cmaj.jpg inside You must know I01-gmaj.jpg miss you But what can I 06-dmin.jpgsay Rules must be o01-gmaj.jpgbeyed

The judges will 01-cmaj.jpgdecide03-e7.jpg The likes of me 06-amin.jpgabide 03-a7.jpgSpectators of06-dmin.jpg the show Always staying01-gmaj.jpg low. The game is on01-cmaj.jpg again 03-e7.jpgA lover or a06-amin.jpg friend03-a7.jpg A big thing or a 06-dmin.jpgsmall The winner takes it01-gmaj.jpg all

I don't wanna01-cmaj.jpg talk If it makes you01-gmaj.jpg feel sad And I under06-dmin.jpgstand You've come to shake my 01-gmaj.jpghand I apolo01-cmaj.jpggize If it makes you 01-gmaj.jpgfeel bad Seeing me so06-dmin.jpg tense No self-confi01-gmaj.jpgdence  But you see

The winner takes it 01-cmaj.jpgall03-e7.jpg06-amin.jpg03-a7.jpgThe winner takes it06-dmin.jpgall01-gmaj.jpg