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America - Sister golden hair

août 6, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 23 minutes


Well I 01-cmaj.jpgtried to make it Sunday, but I 06-emin.jpggot so damn depressed That I01-fmaj.jpgset my sights on 01-cmaj.jpgMonday and I 06-emin.jpggot myself undressed I ain't01-fmaj.jpgready for the 06-dmin.jpgaltar but I06-amin.jpgdo a01-gmaj.jpggree there's 01-fmaj.jpgtimes When a 06-dmin.jpgwoman sure can01-fmaj.jpgbe a friend of 01-cmaj.jpgmine 13-csus4.jpg01-cmaj.jpg

Well, I01-cmaj.jpgkeep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister 06-emin.jpgGolden Hair surprise And I01-fmaj.jpgjust can't live with01-cmaj.jpgout you; can't you 06-emin.jpgsee it in my eyes? I've been 01-fmaj.jpgone poor corres06-dmin.jpgpondent, and I been 06-amin.jpgtoo, too 01-gmaj.jpghard to01-fmaj.jpgfind But it06-dmin.jpgdoesn't mean you 01-fmaj.jpgain't been on my 01-cmaj.jpgmind 13-csus4.jpg01-cmaj.jpg

Will you 01-gmaj.jpgmeet me in the middle, will you 01-fmaj.jpgmeet me in the 01-cmaj.jpgend ? Will you 01-gmaj.jpglove me just a little, just e01-fmaj.jpgnough to show you 01-cmaj.jpgcare? Well I 06-dmin.jpgtried to fake it, I 06-emin.jpgdon't mind sayin', I 01-fmaj.jpgjust can't make it


Well, I01-cmaj.jpgkeep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister 06-emin.jpgGolden Hair surprise And I01-fmaj.jpgjust can't live with01-cmaj.jpgout you; can't you 06-emin.jpgsee it in my eyes? I've been 01-fmaj.jpgone poor corres06-dmin.jpgpondent, and I been 06-amin.jpgtoo, too 01-gmaj.jpghard to01-fmaj.jpgfind But it06-dmin.jpgdoesn't mean you 01-fmaj.jpgain't been on my 01-cmaj.jpgmind 13-csus4.jpg01-cmaj.jpg

Will you 01-gmaj.jpgmeet me in the middle, will you 01-fmaj.jpgmeet me in the 01-cmaj.jpgend ? Will you 01-gmaj.jpglove me just a little, just e01-fmaj.jpgnough to show you 01-cmaj.jpgcare? Well I 06-dmin.jpgtried to fake it, I 06-emin.jpgdon't mind sayin', I 01-fmaj.jpgjust can't make it 

 01-gmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop ...01-fmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop01-cmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop 01-gmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop ...01-fmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop01-cmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop 01-gmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop ...01-fmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop01-cmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop 01-gmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop ...01-fmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop01-cmaj.jpgDoo wop doo wop