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Blondie - 11:59

août 8, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 24 minutes


01-cmaj.jpgLeaning in your 06-amin.jpgcorner like a 06-emin.jpgcandidate for 01-amaj.jpgwax 01-fmaj.jpgSidewalk social 06-dmin.jpgscientist don't 01-cmaj.jpgget no satisfaction from your cigarette It's06-amin.jpg10 to 10, 06-emin.jpgtime is running01-amaj.jpgout 01-fmaj.jpgLock up all your 06-dmin.jpgmemories, get 01-cmaj.jpgoutta here, you know that we can 01-gmaj.jpgrun To01-fmaj.jpgday can last a06-emin.jpgnother06-dmin.jpgmil01-cmaj.jpglion 01-gmaj.jpgyears To01-fmaj.jpgday could be the 06-emin.jpgend06-dmin.jpgof 01-cmaj.jpgme It's e06-emin.jpgleven fifty 06-amin.jpgnine, and I 01-fmaj.jpgwant to stay a01-gmaj.jpglive

01-cmaj.jpgPumping like a06-amin.jpgfugitive in06-emin.jpgcover from the 01-amaj.jpgnight 01-fmaj.jpgTake it down the06-dmin.jpgfreeway like a 01-cmaj.jpgbullet to the ocean Wait until the 06-amin.jpgmorning, take  to06-emin.jpgmorrow by the 01-amaj.jpghand 01-fmaj.jpgTake it down the 06-dmin.jpghighway like a01-cmaj.jpgrocket to the ocean, we can 01-gmaj.jpgrun To01-fmaj.jpgday can last a06-emin.jpgnother06-dmin.jpgmil01-cmaj.jpglion 01-gmaj.jpgyears To01-fmaj.jpgday could be the 06-emin.jpgend06-dmin.jpgof 01-cmaj.jpgme It's e06-emin.jpgleven fifty 06-amin.jpgnine, and I 01-fmaj.jpgwant to stay a01-gmaj.jpglive

01-dmaj.jpgHanging on a 06-bmin.jpgfrequency, 06-gbmin.jpgburning like a 01-bmaj.jpgfire 01-gmaj.jpgBoy, you've got the 06-emin.jpgmotion down, it's 01-dmaj.jpggetting late, I'm tired and I've lost control Don't 06-bmin.jpgleave me here, 06-gbmin.jpgtime is running 01-bmaj.jpgout 01-gmaj.jpgTake me down the 06-emin.jpghighway like a 01-dmaj.jpgrocket to the ocean, we can01-amaj.jpgrun To01-gmaj.jpgday can last a06-gbmin.jpgnother 06-emin.jpgmil01-dmaj.jpglion01-amaj.jpgyears To01-gmaj.jpgday could be the 06-gbmin.jpgend 06-emin.jpgof 01-dmaj.jpgme It's e06-gbmin.jpgleven fifty06-bmin.jpgnine, and I 01-gmaj.jpgwant to stay a01-amaj.jpglive