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Blondie - Sunday girl

mars 28, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 20 minutes


01-cmaj.jpgI know a 01-fmaj.jpggirl01-gmaj.jpgfrom a 01-cmaj.jpglonely street01-fmaj.jpgCold as 01-gmaj.jpgice cream but 01-cmaj.jpgstill as sweet 01-fmaj.jpgDry your 01-gmaj.jpgeyes Sunday 01-cmaj.jpggirl

01-cmaj.jpgHey, I saw your 01-fmaj.jpgguy01-gmaj.jpgwith a 01-cmaj.jpgdifferent girl01-fmaj.jpgLooks like 01-gmaj.jpghe's in a01-cmaj.jpgnother world 01-fmaj.jpgRun and 01-gmaj.jpghide Sunday01-cmaj.jpggirl

01-fmaj.jpgHurry up, hurry up and wait I stay a01-cmaj.jpgwake all week and still I wait I 01-fmaj.jpggot the blues, please come see 01-dmaj.jpgWhat your loving01-gmaj.jpgmeans to me01-amaj.jpg

01-dmaj.jpgShe can't catch01-gmaj.jpgup 01-amaj.jpgwith the01-dmaj.jpgworking crowd The 01-gmaj.jpgweekend 01-amaj.jpgmood and she's 01-dmaj.jpgfeeling proud 01-gmaj.jpgLive in 01-amaj.jpgdreams Sunday01-dmaj.jpggirl

01-dmaj.jpgBaby, I would01-gmaj.jpglike01-amaj.jpgto go 01-dmaj.jpgout tonight01-gmaj.jpgIf I 01-amaj.jpggo with you my01-dmaj.jpgfolks'll get uptight 01-gmaj.jpgStay at 01-amaj.jpghome Sunday 06-bmin.jpggirl06-gbmin.jpg01-emaj.jpg01-gmaj.jpg01-amaj.jpg

01-dmaj.jpgHey, I saw your 01-gmaj.jpgguy 01-amaj.jpgwith a 01-dmaj.jpgdifferent girl01-gmaj.jpgLooks like 01-amaj.jpghe's in another 01-dmaj.jpgworld 01-gmaj.jpgRun and01-amaj.jpghide Sunday01-dmaj.jpggirl

01-dmaj.jpgWhen I saw 01-gmaj.jpgyou a01-amaj.jpggain in the 01-dmaj.jpgsummertime01-gmaj.jpgIf your01-amaj.jpglove was as 01-dmaj.jpgsweet as mine 01-gmaj.jpgI could 01-amaj.jpgbe Sunday's01-dmaj.jpggirl

01-gmaj.jpgHurry up, hurry up and wait I stay a01-dmaj.jpgwake all week and still I wait I 01-gmaj.jpggot the blues, please come see01-dmaj.jpgWhat your loving means to me I 01-gmaj.jpggot the blues I got the blues  please come see01-dmaj.jpgWhat your loving means to me