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BO Doctor Zhivago - Somewhere my love

août 7, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 9 minutes

01-gmaj.jpgSomewhere, my love, there will be songs to 07-am7.jpgsing,03-d7.jpg07-am7.jpgalthough the03-d7.jpg snow 07-am7.jpgcovers the03-d7.jpg hope of 01-gmaj.jpgspring.

 01-gmaj.jpg Somewhere a hill blossoms in green and07-am7.jpg gold,03-d7.jpg07-am7.jpg and there are 03-d7.jpgdreams 07-am7.jpgall that your 03-d7.jpgheart can01-gmaj.jpg hold. 

 01-cmaj.jpg Someday we'll meet again, my01-gmaj.jpg love. 01-bbmaj.jpgSomeday whenever the 01-fmaj.jpgspring 07-gm7.jpgbreaks 03-d7.jpgthrough. 

 01-gmaj.jpgYou'll come to me out of the long a07-am7.jpggo, 03-d7.jpg07-am7.jpgwarm as the03-d7.jpg wind, 07-am7.jpgsoft as the03-d7.jpg kiss of 01-gmaj.jpgsnow.

 01-gmaj.jpgTill then, my sweet,  think of me now and07-am7.jpg then.03-d7.jpg07-am7.jpg God, speed my03-d7.jpg love 07-am7.jpgtil you are03-d7.jpg mine a01-gmaj.jpggain. 

01-cmaj.jpg Someday we'll meet again, my01-gmaj.jpg love. 01-bbmaj.jpgSomeday whenever the 01-fmaj.jpgspring 07-gm7.jpgbreaks 03-d7.jpgthrough.