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Deep Purple - Soldier of fortune

août 10, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 12 minutes

Soldier of fortune

Intro 06-amin.jpg06-emin.jpg01-dmaj.jpg06-amin.jpg
I have 06-amin.jpgoften told you stories a01-gmaj.jpgbout the way I 06-amin.jpglived the life of a drifter 06-emin.jpgwaiting for the day When Id06-amin.jpg take your hand and sing you songs Then01-gmaj.jpg maybe you would say Come06-amin.jpg lay with me and love me and 06-emin.jpgI would surely stay

01-cmaj.jpgBut I 01-dmaj.jpgfeel Im growing 06-amin.jpgolder 01-fmaj.jpgAnd the 01-gmaj.jpgsongs that I have 01-cmaj.jpgsung 03-e7.jpgEcho in the 06-amin.jpgdistance, like the 01-gmaj.jpgsound of a 01-cmaj.jpgwindmill goin 01-fmaj.jpground I 06-dmin.jpgguess Ill always 06-emin.jpgbe a soldier of 06-amin.jpgfortune

Many times Ive been a traveller I 01-gmaj.jpglooked for something new In 06-amin.jpgdays of old when nights were cold 06-emin.jpgI wandered without you06-amin.jpg But those days I thougt my eyes had 01-gmaj.jpgseen you standing near Though06-amin.jpg blindness is confusing it06-emin.jpg shows that youre not here  01-cmaj.jpg

01-cmaj.jpgNowI 01-dmaj.jpgfeel Im growing 06-amin.jpgolder 01-fmaj.jpgAnd the 01-gmaj.jpgsongs that I have 01-cmaj.jpgsung 03-e7.jpgEcho in the 06-amin.jpgdistance, like the 01-gmaj.jpgsound of a 01-cmaj.jpgwindmill goin 01-fmaj.jpground I 06-dmin.jpgguess Ill always 06-emin.jpgbe a soldier of 06-amin.jpgfortune Yes, I can hear the 01-gmaj.jpgsound of a01-cmaj.jpg windmill goin 01-fmaj.jpground I06-dmin.jpg guess Ill always 06-emin.jpgbe a soldier of06-amin.jpg fortune I01-fmaj.jpg guess Ill always 07-em7.jpgbe a soldier of01-amaj.jpg fortune