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Elton John - Sorry seems to be the hardest word

mai 11, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 14 minutes

06-amin.jpgWhat have I got to do to 01-cmaj.jpgmake you 07-dm7.jpglove me, 01-gmaj.jpgWhat have I got to do to make you01-cmaj.jpg care06-bmin7b5.jpg03-e7.jpg06-amin.jpg  What do I do when01-cmaj.jpg lightning 07-dm7.jpgstrikes me 01-gmaj.jpgand I wake to find that you're not 01-cmaj.jpgthere06-bmin7b5.jpg03-e7.jpg

06-amin.jpgWhat do I do 07-am7.jpgto make you want 06-dmin.jpgme07-dm7.jpg 01-gmaj.jpgWhat have I got to do to be01-cmaj.jpg heard06-bmin7b5.jpg03-e7.jpg06-amin.jpg   What do I 07-am7.jpgsay when it's all 06-dmin.jpgover07-dm7.jpg 01-gmaj.jpg And sorry seems to be the hardest01-cmaj.jpg word03-e7.jpg

01-fmaj.jpgIt's sad, 01-emaj.jpgso sad01-cmaj.jpg It's a sad, sad 12-Gbm7b5.jpgsituation06-dmin.jpg And it's getting 03-e7.jpgmore and more ab06-amin.jpgsurd06-bmin7b5.jpg03-e7.jpg 01-fmaj.jpgIt's sad, 01-emaj.jpgso sad 01-cmaj.jpgWhy can't we03-d7.jpg talk it over 01-fmaj.jpgOh it seems to me That 07-dm7.jpgsorry seems to 01-e4.jpgbe the03-e7.jpg hardest06-amin.jpg word

06-amin.jpgWhat do I do to make you love06-dmin.jpgme07-dm7.jpg 03-g7.jpgWhat have I got to do to be01-cmaj.jpg heard06-bmin7b5.jpg03-e7.jpg 06-amin.jpg  What do I do when lightning 06-dmin.jpgstrikes me 06-bmin7b5.jpgWhat have I got to 03-e7.jpgdo06-amin.jpgWhat have I got to06-dmin.jpg do When 06-bmin7b5.jpgsorry seems to 03-e7.jpgbe the hardest06-amin.jpg word06-bmin7b5.jpg01-e4.jpg03-e7.jpg06-amin.jpg