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Gloria Gaynor - I Will survive

août 13, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 14 minutes

At06-amin.jpg first I was afraid I was 06-dmin.jpgpetrified, kept thinking 01-gmaj.jpgI could never live without you01-cmaj.jpgby my side, but then I 02-fmaj7-bis.jpgspent so many nights thinking01-bbmaj.jpg how you did me wrong And I grew 01-emaj.jpgstrong And I learned 03-e7.jpghow to get along

And so you're 06-amin.jpgback from outer 06-dmin.jpgspace I just walked 01-gmaj.jpgin to find you here with that sad 01-cmaj.jpglook upon your face,
I should have 02-fmaj7-bis.jpgchanged that stupid lock I should have 01-bbmaj.jpgmade you leave your key If I've have 01-emaj.jpgknown for just one second you'd be 03-e7.jpgback to bother me

Go on 06-amin.jpgnow  walk out the 06-dmin.jpgdoor just turn a01-gmaj.jpground now 'cause you're not 01-cmaj.jpgwelcome anymore02-fmaj7-bis.jpgweren't you the one who tried to 01-bbmaj.jpghurt me with goodbye did you think I'd 01-emaj.jpgcrumble? Did you think I'd03-e7.jpg lay down and die?

Oh no, not 06-amin.jpgI I will sur06-dmin.jpgvive Oh, as01-gmaj.jpglong as I know how to love I 01-cmaj.jpgknow I'll stay alive I've got 02-fmaj7-bis.jpgall my life to live I've got01-bbmaj.jpg all my love to give and I'll sur01-emaj.jpgvive I will sur03-e7.jpgvive, hey06-amin.jpg hey

It took 06-amin.jpgall the strength I had not to06-dmin.jpg fall apart kept trying 01-gmaj.jpghard to mend the pieces of my 01-cmaj.jpgbroken heart, And I spent 02-fmaj7-bis.jpgoh so many nights just feeling01-bbmaj.jpgsorry for myself I used to 01-emaj.jpgcry but now I 03-e7.jpghold my head up high

And you see 06-amin.jpgme somebody 06-dmin.jpgnew I'm not that01-gmaj.jpg chained up little person still in 01-cmaj.jpglove with you and so you 02-fmaj7-bis.jpgfelt like dropping in And just ex01-bbmaj.jpgpect me to be free but now I'm 01-emaj.jpgsaving all my loving for some03-e7.jpgone who's loving me

Go on 06-amin.jpgnow  walk out the 06-dmin.jpgdoor just turn a01-gmaj.jpground now 'cause you're not 01-cmaj.jpgwelcome anymore02-fmaj7-bis.jpgweren't you the one who tried to 01-bbmaj.jpgbreak me with goodbye did you think I'd 01-emaj.jpgcrumble? Did you think I'd03-e7.jpg lay down and die?

Oh no, not 06-amin.jpgI I will sur06-dmin.jpgvive Oh, as01-gmaj.jpglong as I know how to love I 01-cmaj.jpgknow I'll stay alive I've got 02-fmaj7-bis.jpgall my life to live I've got01-bbmaj.jpg all my love to give and I'll sur01-emaj.jpgvive I will sur03-e7.jpgvive, hey06-amin.jpg hey