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Hazel O' Connor - Will you ?

août 13, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 14 minutes

  06-dmin.jpgYou drink your 01-fmaj.jpgcoffee and01-bbmaj.jpg I sip my 01-cmaj.jpgtea and we're 06-dmin.jpgsitting here 01-fmaj.jpgplaying so cool, thinking 01-bbmaj.jpgWhat will be, will 01-amaj.jpgbe
01-fmaj.jpgBut it's getting kind of 01-cmaj.jpglate now06-dmin.jpgOh I wonder if you'll 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now
Or 06-dmin.jpgwill you 01-fmaj.jpgjust poli01-gmaj.jpgtely say good06-dmin.jpgnight?01-amaj.jpg

06-dmin.jpgI move a little01-fmaj.jpg closer to you, 01-bbmaj.jpgnot knowing 01-cmaj.jpgquite what to do and I'm06-dmin.jpg feeling all01-fmaj.jpg fingers and thumbs, I spill my 01-bbmaj.jpgtea, oh silly 01-amaj.jpgme !
01-fmaj.jpgBut it's getting kind of 01-cmaj.jpglate now06-dmin.jpgOh I wonder if you'll 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now
Or 06-dmin.jpgwill you 01-fmaj.jpgjust poli01-gmaj.jpgtely say good06-dmin.jpgnight?01-amaj.jpg

And then we01-fmaj.jpg touch much too01-cmaj.jpgmuch this 06-dmin.jpgmoment has been waiting for a 01-amaj.jpglong long time, makes me 01-fmaj.jpgshiver, makes me 01-cmaj.jpgquiver this 06-dmin.jpgmoment I'm so unsure, this01-cmaj.jpg moment I've waited for, Is it 01-bbmaj.jpgsomething you've been waiting for, waiting for01-amaj.jpg too?
06-dmin.jpgTake off your eyes, 01-fmaj.jpgbare your soul01-bbmaj.jpgGather me to you and 01-cmaj.jpgmake me whole 06-dmin.jpgTell me your secrets, 01-fmaj.jpgsing me the song 01-bbmaj.jpgSing it to me in the 01-amaj.jpgsilent tongue

01-fmaj.jpgBut it's getting kind of 01-cmaj.jpglate now06-dmin.jpgOh I wonder if you'll 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now, 01-amaj.jpgstay now
Or 06-dmin.jpgwill you 01-fmaj.jpgjust poli01-gmaj.jpgtely say good06-dmin.jpgnight?01-amaj.jpg