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Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world

août 1, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 12 minutes

I see01-fmaj.jpg trees of 06-amin.jpggreen, 01-bbmaj.jpgred roses01-fmaj.jpg too 07-gm7.jpgI see them01-fmaj.jpg bloom 03-a7.jpgfor me and 06-dmin.jpgyou ,  and 01-dbmaj.jpg I think to myself, 07-gm7-2.jpgwhat a 03-c7.jpgwonderful 01-fmaj.jpgworld 09-faug-2.jpg06-dmin.jpg03-c7.jpg

I see 01-fmaj.jpgskies of 06-amin.jpgblue 01-bbmaj.jpgand clouds of01-fmaj.jpg white 07-gm7.jpgthe bright 01-fmaj.jpgblessed day, the 03-a7.jpgdark sacred 06-dmin.jpgnight  And 01-dbmaj.jpg I think to myself, 07-gm7-2.jpgwhat a 03-c7.jpgwonderful 01-fmaj.jpgworld 01-bbmaj.jpg01-fmaj.jpg

The 06-gmin.jpgcolours of the rain01-cmaj.jpgbow, 01-fmaj.jpgso pretty in the 06-dmin.jpgsky  Are 06-gmin.jpgalso on the 01-cmaj.jpgfaces of 01-fmaj.jpgpeople going by,  I see 06-dmin.jpgfriends shakin' 06-amin.jpghands, sayin' 06-dmin.jpg"How do you 06-amin.jpgdo?" 06-dmin.jpgThey're really 01-cmaj.jpgsaying 06-gmin.jpg "I06-dsus4.jpg love 01-cmaj.jpgyou"

I hear 01-fmaj.jpgbabies 06-amin.jpgcryin', 01-bbmaj.jpgI watch them 01-fmaj.jpggrow07-gm7.jpg They'll learn much 01-fmaj.jpgmore than03-a7.jpg I'll ever06-dmin.jpg know  And 01-dbmaj.jpg I think to myself, 07-gm7-2.jpgwhat a 03-c7.jpgwonderful 01-fmaj.jpgworld 01-bbmaj.jpg01-fmaj.jpg03-d7.jpgYes, 06-gmin.jpgI think to myself, 03-c7.jpgwhat a wonderful 01-fmaj.jpgworld 01-bbmaj.jpg01-fmaj.jpg01-cmaj.jpg01-fmaj.jpg