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Paul McCartney - My valentine

août 2, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 13 minutes


what if it 07-am7.jpgrained ? we didn’t 01-cmaj.jpgcare she said that 01-dmaj.jpgsomeday soon the 06-dmin.jpgsun was gonna 07-am7.jpgshine. and she was03-b7.jpg right, this love of 01-emaj.jpgmine,03-e7.jpg my valen07-am7.jpgtine 01-dmaj.jpg07-am7.jpg01-dmaj.jpg

As days and 07-am7.jpgnights, would pass me 01-cmaj.jpgby, I tell my01-dmaj.jpgself that i was 06-dmin.jpgwaiting for a 07-am7.jpgsign then she app03-b7.jpgeared, a love so01-emaj.jpgfine,03-e7.jpgmy valen07-am7.jpgtine 01-dmaj.jpg07-am7.jpg01-dmaj.jpg

And i will02-dmaj7.jpg love her for07-dbm7.jpg life and i will 02-dmaj7.jpgnever let a day go07-dbm7.jpgby without 01-dmaj.jpgremembering the reasons 07-bm7.jpgwhy she makes me 01-dmaj.jpgcertain that i can 03-e7.jpgfly

And so i 07-am7.jpgdo, without a 01-cmaj.jpgcare i knowthat 01-dmaj.jpgsomeday soon the 06-dmin.jpgsun was gonna 07-am7.jpgshine. and she’ll be03-b7.jpgthere this love of 01-emaj.jpgmine 03-e7.jpgmy valen07-am7.jpgtine 01-dmaj.jpg07-am7.jpg01-dmaj.jpg

And i will02-dmaj7.jpg love her for07-dbm7.jpg life and i will 02-dmaj7.jpgnever let a day go07-dbm7.jpgby without 01-dmaj.jpgremembering the reasons 07-bm7.jpgwhy she makes me 01-dmaj.jpgcertain that i can 03-e7.jpgfly

what if it 07-am7.jpgrained ? we didn’t 01-cmaj.jpgcare she said that 01-dmaj.jpgsomeday soon the 06-dmin.jpgsun was gonna 07-am7.jpgshine. and she was03-b7.jpg right, this love of 01-emaj.jpgmine,03-e7.jpg my valen07-am7.jpgtine 01-dmaj.jpg07-am7.jpg01-dmaj.jpg01-amaj.jpg