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The Beach Boys - Caroline No

mars 28, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 8 minutes

07-em7.jpgWhere did your 07-dm7.jpglong hair go 07-em7.jpgWhere is the girl I07-dm7.jpgused to know07-em7.jpgHow could you07-gm7.jpg lose that 13-gm7sus4.jpghappy 10-fadd9.jpgglow Oh, caroline01-fmaj.jpg no

07-em7.jpgWho took that 07-dm7.jpglook away07-em7.jpgI remember how you 07-dm7.jpgused to say07-em7.jpgYou'd never 07-gm7.jpgchange, but13-gm7sus4.jpgthat's not10-fadd9.jpgtrue Oh, caroline 01-fmaj.jpgyou

Break my07-dm7.jpgheart I 03-g7.jpgwant to02-cmaj7.jpg go and cry It's so10-Bmin7b5.jpg sad to03-e7.jpg watch a 07-am7.jpgsweet thing die Oh, caroline08-fm6.jpg why

07-em7.jpgCould I ever find in 07-dm7.jpgyou again07-em7.jpgThings that made me love you07-dm7.jpgso much then07-em7.jpgCould we ever bring em07-gm7.jpgback once13-gm7sus4.jpgthey have 10-fadd9.jpggone Oh, caroline 01-fmaj.jpgno