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The Bee Gees - How can you mend a broken heart

août 7, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 17 minutes

01-cmaj.jpgI can think of younger days when02-cmaj7.jpgliving for my life06-dmin.jpg Was everything a man could01-cmaj.jpgwant to do.03-e7.jpg I could never see to06-amin.jpgmorrow, but 03-d7.jpgI was never told a03-g7.jpgbout the sorrow.

And 02-cmaj7.jpghow can you mend a broken heart?06-dmin.jpgHow can you stop the rain from falling down?How01-fmaj.jpgcan you 03-g7.jpgstop 01-fmaj.jpgthe sun from 03-g7.jpgshining ?01-fmaj.jpgWhat makes the 06-emin.jpgworld06-dmin.jpggo01-cmaj.jpground?

02-cmaj7.jpgHow can you mend a this broken man?06-dmin.jpg How can a loser ever win? Please01-fmaj.jpghelp me03-g7.jpgmend01-fmaj.jpgmy broken 03-g7.jpgheart01-fmaj.jpgand let me06-emin.jpglive la la02-cmaj7.jpgla01-cmaj.jpg

I can still feel the breeze that02-cmaj7.jpgrustles through the trees and06-dmin.jpgmisty memories of01-cmaj.jpgdays gone by03-e7.jpgWe could never see to06-amin.jpgmorrow, 03-d7.jpgno one said a word a03-g7.jpgbout the sorrow.

And 02-cmaj7.jpghow can you mend a broken heart?06-dmin.jpgHow can you stop the rain from falling down?How01-fmaj.jpgcan you 03-g7.jpgstop 01-fmaj.jpgthe sun from 03-g7.jpgshining ?01-fmaj.jpgWhat makes the 06-emin.jpgworld06-dmin.jpggo01-cmaj.jpground?

02-cmaj7.jpgHow can you mend a this broken man?06-dmin.jpg How can a loser ever win? Please01-fmaj.jpghelp me03-g7.jpgmend01-fmaj.jpgmy broken 03-g7.jpgheart01-fmaj.jpgand let me06-emin.jpglive 06-dmin.jpga01-cmaj.jpggain.02-cmaj7.jpgla la la la la la la la06-dmin.jpgna na na na na na na na Please01-fmaj.jpghelp me03-g7.jpgmend01-fmaj.jpgmy broken 03-g7.jpgheart01-fmaj.jpgand let me06-emin.jpglive la la02-cmaj7.jpgla01-cmaj.jpg