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The Bee Gees - I started a joke

août 7, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 15 minutes

to do do do01-cmaj.jpg06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpg01-gmaj.jpg
01-cmaj.jpgI started a 06-emin.jpgjoke, 01-fmaj.jpgwhich started the 01-gmaj.jpgwhole world 01-cmaj.jpgcrying,06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgBut 01-gmaj.jpgI didnt 01-cmaj.jpgsee06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgthat the01-gmaj.jpg joke was on me01-cmaj.jpg, 06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgoh 01-gmaj.jpgno.

01-cmaj.jpgI started to 06-emin.jpgcry, 01-fmaj.jpgwhich started the 01-gmaj.jpgwhole world 01-cmaj.jpglaughing,06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgOh, if 01-gmaj.jpgI'd only 01-cmaj.jpgseen06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpg that the 01-gmaj.jpgjoke was on 01-cmaj.jpgme.

06-amin.jpgI looked at the 06-emin.jpgskies, running my 01-fmaj.jpghands over my 01-cmaj.jpgeyes, And 06-emin.jpgI fell out of 06-amin.jpgbed, 07-am7.jpghurting my 06-dmin.jpghead from things that I'd 01-gmaj.jpgsaid.

Til 01-cmaj.jpgI finally 06-emin.jpgdied,01-fmaj.jpg which started the 01-gmaj.jpgwhole world 01-cmaj.jpgliving,06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgOh, if 01-gmaj.jpgI'd only 01-cmaj.jpgseen06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpg that the 01-gmaj.jpgjoke was on 01-cmaj.jpgme.

06-amin.jpgI looked at the 06-emin.jpgskies, running my 01-fmaj.jpghands over my 01-cmaj.jpgeyes, And 06-emin.jpgI fell out of 06-amin.jpgbed, 07-am7.jpghurting my 06-dmin.jpghead from things that I'd 01-gmaj.jpgsaid.

Til 01-cmaj.jpgI finally 06-emin.jpgdied,01-fmaj.jpg which started the 01-gmaj.jpgwhole world 01-cmaj.jpgliving,06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgOh, if 01-gmaj.jpgI'd only 01-cmaj.jpgseen06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpg that the 01-gmaj.jpgjoke was on 01-cmaj.jpgme.06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgthat the 01-gmaj.jpgjoke was on 01-cmaj.jpgme.06-emin.jpg01-fmaj.jpgthat the 01-gmaj.jpgjoke was on01-cmaj.jpg me.