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The Bee Gees - Massachussets

août 7, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 9 minutes

01-gmaj.jpgFeel I'm goin' 06-amin.jpgback to 01-cmaj.jpgMassa01-gmaj.jpgchusetts, Something's telling 06-amin.jpgme I 01-cmaj.jpgmust go 01-gmaj.jpghome.
And the lights all went out in Massa01-cmaj.jpgchusetts,The day I 01-gmaj.jpgleft her 03-d7.jpgstanding on her 01-gmaj.jpgown.03-d7.jpg

01-gmaj.jpgTried to hitch a06-amin.jpg ride to 01-cmaj.jpgSan Fran01-gmaj.jpgcisco, Gotta do the06-amin.jpg things I 01-cmaj.jpgwanna 01-gmaj.jpgdo.
And the lights all went out in Massa01-cmaj.jpgchusetts, They brought me 01-gmaj.jpgback to 03-d7.jpgsee my way with 01-gmaj.jpgyou.03-d7.jpg

01-gmaj.jpgTalk about the 06-amin.jpglife in 01-cmaj.jpgMassa01-gmaj.jpgchusetts, Speak about the 06-amin.jpgpeople 01-cmaj.jpgI have 01-gmaj.jpgseen,
And the lights all went out in Massa01-cmaj.jpgchusetts, And Massa01-gmaj.jpgchusetts is 03-d7.jpgone place I have 01-gmaj.jpgseen.

01-gmaj.jpgI will remem06-amin.jpgber 01-cmaj.jpgMassa01-gmaj.jpgchusetts...
01-gmaj.jpgI will remem06-amin.jpgber 01-cmaj.jpgMassa01-gmaj.jpgchusetts...