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The Kinks - Celluloid heroes

août 23, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 26 minutes

01-cmaj.jpgEverybody's a 01-gmaj.jpgdreamer and 01-fmaj.jpgeverybody's a 01-cmaj.jpgstar, and 06-emin.jpgeverybody's in 06-amin.jpgmovies, it doesn't 01-fmaj.jpgmatter who you 01-gmaj.jpgare. There are 06-amin.jpgstars in every 06-emin.jpgcity, in every 01-fmaj.jpghouse and on every01-gmaj.jpg street, and if you 03-c7.jpgwalk down Hollywood01-fmaj.jpg Boulevard their names are 01-gmaj.jpgwritten in con01-cmaj.jpgcrete!

Don't step on Greta01-gmaj.jpg Garbo as you walk 01-fmaj.jpgdown the Boulevard,01-cmaj.jpgShe06-emin.jpg looks so weak and06-amin.jpg fragile that's  why she01-fmaj.jpg tried to be so01-gmaj.jpg hard But they06-amin.jpg turned her into a06-emin.jpg princess and they 01-fmaj.jpgsat her on a01-gmaj.jpg throne, but she03-c7.jpg turned her back on01-fmaj.jpg stardom, Because she 01-gmaj.jpgwanted to be a01-cmaj.jpglone.

You can 01-bbmaj.jpgsee all the stars as you01-fmaj.jpg walk down Hollywood 01-cmaj.jpgBoulevard, 01-bbmaj.jpgSome that you recognise, 01-fmaj.jpgsome that you've hardly e01-cmaj.jpgven heard of, 01-bbmaj.jpgPeople who worked and01-fmaj.jpg suffered and struggled for01-cmaj.jpg fame, 01-bbmaj.jpgSome who succeeded and01-fmaj.jpg some who suffered in 01-cmaj.jpgvain.

01-cmaj.jpgRudolph Valen01-gmaj.jpgtino, looks 01-fmaj.jpgvery much a01-cmaj.jpglive, and he 06-emin.jpglooks up ladies's 06-amin.jpgdresses as they01-fmaj.jpgsadly pass him 01-gmaj.jpgby. Avoid 06-amin.jpgstepping on Bela Lu06-emin.jpggosi 'Cos he's01-fmaj.jpg liable to turn and 01-gmaj.jpgbite, But stand 03-c7.jpgclose by Betty01-fmaj.jpg Davis because 01-gmaj.jpghers was such a lonely01-cmaj.jpg life.

If you covered him with 01-gmaj.jpggarbage, George 01-fmaj.jpgSanders would still have 01-cmaj.jpgstyle,  And if you06-emin.jpg stamped on Mickey 06-amin.jpgRooney He would still 01-fmaj.jpgturn round and01-gmaj.jpg smile, But please don't 06-amin.jpgtread on dearest 06-emin.jpgMarilyn 'Cos she's 01-fmaj.jpgnot very 01-gmaj.jpgtough, She 03-c7.jpgshould have been made of i01-fmaj.jpgron or steel, But she 01-gmaj.jpgwas only made of flesh and 01-cmaj.jpgblood.

You can 01-bbmaj.jpgsee all the stars as you01-fmaj.jpg walk down Hollywood 01-cmaj.jpgBoulevard, 01-bbmaj.jpgSome that you recognise, 01-fmaj.jpgsome that you've hardly e01-cmaj.jpgven heard of, 01-bbmaj.jpgPeople who worked and01-fmaj.jpg suffered and struggled for01-cmaj.jpg fame, 01-bbmaj.jpgSome who succeeded and01-fmaj.jpg some who suffered in 01-cmaj.jpgvain.

01-cmaj.jpgEverybody's a 01-gmaj.jpgdreamer and 01-fmaj.jpgeverybody's a 01-cmaj.jpgstar, and 06-emin.jpgeverybody's in 06-amin.jpgshow biz , it doesn't 01-fmaj.jpgmatter who you 01-gmaj.jpgare and those who06-amin.jpg are suc06-emin.jpgcessful, be01-fmaj.jpg always on your 01-gmaj.jpgguard, Success 03-c7.jpgwalks hand in hand with 01-fmaj.jpgfailure along 01-gmaj.jpgHollywood Boule01-cmaj.jpgvard.

I 01-bbmaj.jpgwish my life was a01-fmaj.jpg non-stop Hollywood01-cmaj.jpg movie show, A 01-bbmaj.jpgfantasy world of 01-fmaj.jpgcelluloid villains and 01-cmaj.jpgheroes, Because 01-bbmaj.jpgcelluloid heroes01-fmaj.jpg never feel any01-cmaj.jpg pain and 01-bbmaj.jpgcelluloid heroes01-fmaj.jpg never really 01-cmaj.jpgdie.

You can 01-bbmaj.jpgsee all the stars as you01-fmaj.jpg walk down Hollywood 01-cmaj.jpgBoulevard, 01-bbmaj.jpgSome that you recognise, 01-fmaj.jpgsome that you've hardly e01-cmaj.jpgven heard of, 01-bbmaj.jpgPeople who worked and01-fmaj.jpg suffered and struggled for01-cmaj.jpg fame, 01-bbmaj.jpgSome who succeeded and01-fmaj.jpg some who suffered in 01-cmaj.jpgvain. oh 01-bbmaj.jpgcelluloid heroes01-fmaj.jpg never feel any01-cmaj.jpg pain and 01-bbmaj.jpgcelluloid heroes01-fmaj.jpg never really 01-cmaj.jpgdie.