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Walt Disney - I wanna be like you

août 24, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 7 minutes

03-g7.jpgNow06-amin.jpgI'm the king of the swingers, The jungle V.I.03-e7.jpgP. I've reached the top, and had to stop and that's what's bothering 06-amin.jpgme! I wan'na be a man, mancub and stroll right into03-e7.jpgtown and be just like the other men I'm tired of monkeying a06-amin.jpground03-g7.jpgOh,

01-cmaj.jpgOhbeedoo I wan'na be like 03-a7.jpgyou ! I wanna 03-d7.jpgwalk like you,03-g7.jpgTalk like you01-cmaj.jpgdo03-g7.jpgYou'll see it's01-cmaj.jpgtrue an ape like 03-a7.jpgme can 03-d7.jpglearn to be 03-g7.jpgHuman 01-cmaj.jpgtoo!03-g7.jpg01-cmaj.jpg

03-g7.jpgNow06-amin.jpgdon't try to kid me mancub I made a deal with 03-e7.jpgyou What I desire is man's red fire To make my dream come 06-amin.jpgtrue Now give me the secret man cub C'mon clue me what to03-e7.jpgdo Give me the power of man's red flower So I can be like06-amin.jpgyou03-g7.jpgOh

,01-cmaj.jpgOhbeedoo I wan'na be like 03-a7.jpgyou ! I wanna 03-d7.jpgwalk like you,03-g7.jpgTalk like you01-cmaj.jpgdo03-g7.jpgYou'll see it's01-cmaj.jpgtrue an ape like 03-a7.jpgme can 03-d7.jpglearn to be 03-g7.jpgHuman 01-cmaj.jpgtoo!03-g7.jpg01-cmaj.jpg