La chanson de Cassandre

avril 18, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 2 minutes

I don't need no sympathy, Just feel so empty things will never be the same will we talk again

You'll say that you'll never lie well that was a lie You'll say that you'll never die tell me why i cry

tell me what i'm gonna do one and one is no more two baby i love you

I know what you had to do don't believe it's true and now the world has turn to blue how can i go through

day is done the night has come things can't be undone the way we were when you were there nothin could be wrong

tell me what i'm gonna do too late to say 'im sorry you can't hear you can't see it's the same same old story baby i love you

and all those people around me most i've never seen do they try to confort me have you ever been ?

one and one is no more two baby ilove you tell me what i'm gonna do one and one is no more two baby ilove you

it's a long way to go Will I stay i don't know it's a long way to go and baby i love you

Paroles & musique Phil
Voix: Julie
Arrangements: Phil & Band Vagon
Guitares, claviers, batterie, Band Vagon
Claviers, Ukulele, Phil

À Propos

Des chansons composées par votre serviteur, qui en signe parfois les textes, un titre par mois depuis 1999 jusqu'en 2013, enregistrées avec des personnes de passages, croisées sur le net, bref, du travail d'amateur, au sens 1er du terme.