Sugarpop girl

mai 2, 2018 - Temps de lecture: 2 minutes

Used to be What i was meant to be What i was taught to be What i was said to be

Then i heard some noises made by thoses boys as if someone turn the lights on my world began to spinning round Ryhtmed by those sounds

Used to think That things could never change everything out of range no lights outside my cage

Then i heard some noises made by thoses boys playing ringing guitar's chords And i threw away my little sweet doll For rock & roll

I spent nights listening to radio shows and i spent days dreaming of my heroes I spent hours and hours singing their songs finding my place, i know where i belong

Seems to me that i owe them to be a little bit more free that i should ever be

Since i heard their voices I had no choice Thanks Ringo John Paul Georges my life has never been the same music's my best friend

I spent nights listening to radio shows and i spent days dreaming of my heroes I spent hours and hours singing their songs finding my place, i know where i belong

Used to be What i was meant to be What i was taught to be What i was said to be

Then i heard some noises made by thoses boys playing ringing guitar's chords And i threw away my little sweet doll For rock & roll

Since i heard their voices I had no choice Thanks Ringo John Paul Georges For the day i became another girl a Sugarpop girl

Paroles & musique Phil
Tous instruments Phil
Voix: Julie

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